Sundial in Calci (Pisa)
Latitude 43° 43' 39" N - Longitude 10° 31' 03" E
This equatorial sundial spreads over an area of about 30 square meters;
its main characteristic is the planar surface for shadow projection,
which is exactly perpendicular to the gnomon's style that is in the
North direction. This plane is called equatorial, because it is
parallel to the equator both of the Earth and of the celestial sphere.
In Spring and Summer the gnomon casts its shadow onto the upper
quadrant, in Autumn and Winter on the lower one; the transition takes
place in the equinox days. On the quadrant there are seventeen hour
In this particular sundial the structural elements have original
shapes and colors, the gnomon is represented by a lightning bolt of
steel darting from a set of overlapping clouds in the broader context
of a blue sky with stars. The lightning bolt flexes dynamically
towards the upper quadrant, that has a rainbow as background, pointing
towards the center of a stylized Sun.