Sundial in Riva Trigoso (Genova)
Latitude 44° 15' 31" N - Longitude 9° 25' 30" E
This analemmatic horizontal sundial spreads over a circle with a diameter of 10 meters in a wonderful position on the seafront promenade at Riva Trigoso. The seventeen hour points, from four to twenty, are arranged on an imaginary elliptical line; in the central part the eight shaped curve (lemniscate) indicates: the first day of each month, Summer and Winter solstice and Spring and Autumn equinoxes, respectively symbolized by an ear of corn, a cloud with lightning, a swallow and a leaf.
The time is read from the dial by noting where the shadow cast by a person placed with the feet together on the eight shaped curve and preferably rigidly raising a hand, crosses hour points; the dial provides the average time of Central Europe.
Day, Night, Sunrise and Sunset are symbolized by a particular colour gradient effect obtained with the Palladian technique using various stones and marbles: Spanish yellow stone, yellow Siena, Rosa Portugal, Azul Macauba, Azul Bahia, Persian red travertine, Black veined Bergamo, Pink Argentino, Rosso Verona and Botticino.
Analemmatic sundials are perfect as large mathematical sculptures.