Sundial in Viareggio (Lucca)
Latitude 43° 52' 47" N - Longitude 10° 15' 25" E
Sundial with South-facing vertical dial with patch of light gnomon (Burlamacco mask).
Patch of light position provides two informations: respect to the hour lines, from 8 to 18, indicates the local solar time and respect to the dial indicates the Seasons. The upper curve of the dial, characterized by a stylized cloud from which comes a lightning bolt, corresponds to the line of the Winter solstice; the lower curve, characterized by a wheat field, indicates the Summer solstice; the central horizontal dotted line is the line of the equinoxes, with a swallow and a leaf. The area with red triangles on a white field, recalling Burlamacco mask, indicates the period of Carnival.